Recent Publications
Fox, Nicole. 2021. After Genocide: Memory and Reconciliation in Rwanda. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, Critical Human Rights Series.
Refereed Articles
Simko, Christina, David Cunningham, and Nicole Fox. 2022, “Contesting Commemorative Landscapes: Modes and Mechanisms in Contemporary Debates Over Confederate Monuments.” Social Problems.
Fox, Nicole. Wise, Jamie and Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira. 2o22. “‘Following Heavenly Orders: Heroic Deviance and the Denial of Responsibility in Narratives of Rescue.” Deviant Behaviour.
Sardina, Alexa and Nicole Fox. In press. “Remembering Rape: America’s First Memorial to Sexual Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Nyseth Nzitatira, Hollie, Nicole Fox, Courtney DeRoche, and Jamie Wise. In press. “In the Aftermath: The Lasting Social and Economic Consequences of Collective Rescue Efforts During Genocide.” Journal of Genocide Research.
Cunningham, David, Nicole Fox, and Christina Simko. In press. “Monuments on the Move: Union and Confederate Relocations in St. Louis.” The Common Reader.
Fox, Nicole, Nyseth Brehm, Hollie and John Gasana. 2021. “The Impact of Religious Beliefs, Practices, and Social Networks on Rwandan Rescue Efforts During Genocide.” Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal. 15(1):97-114.
Fox, Nicole. “Memorialization and COVID-19.” 2020. Contexts. 19(4): 69-71.
Potter, Sharyn, Fox, Nicole, Smith, Delilah, Draper, Nora, Elizabeth A. Moschell, Elizabeth and Mary Moynihan. 2020. “Sexual Assault Prevalence and Community College Students: Challenges and Promising Practices.” Health Education & Behavior. 47(15) 75–165.
Fox, Nicole. 2019. “Memory in Interactions: The Remembering and Forgetting of Gender-Based Violence During Atrocity.” Signs. 45(1): 123-148.
* Winner, American Sociological Association Human Rights Section, Best Scholarly Article, 2021
Fox, Nicole and Hollie Nyseth Brehm. 2018. “‘I Decided to Save Them’: Factors that Shaped Participation in Rescue Efforts During the Genocide in Rwanda.” Social Forces, 96(4): 1625-1647.
Nyseth Brehm, Hollie and Nicole Fox. 2017. “Narrating Genocide: Time, Memory & Blame.” Sociological Forum, 32(1): 1-22.
Book Chapters
Fox, Nicole. Forthcoming. “Feminist Approaches to Studying Memory and Mass Atrocity.” Interpreting Contentious Memory: Countermemories and Conflicts over the Past. Edited by Thomas DeGloma and Janet Jacobs. London: Bristol University Press.
Fox, Nicole. Forthcoming. “Memorialization After Atrocity Crimes.” Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crimes. New York: Oxford University Press.
Uwazie, Ernest and Nicole Fox. 2019. “Approaches to Transitional Justice: Two Cases from Africa” in J. Noble, Ed., Critical Issues in Criminal Justice: Historical Perspectives. Oakland: Cognella Press.
Public Scholarship
Podcast Interview titled, "After Genocide: Memory and Reconciliation in Rwanda." Conducted by New Books Network, Politics and Society Section. December 28, 2021.
Fox, Nicole. Moderator, Organizer and Speaker for webinar: “In remembrance there is life”: A conversation on memorialization amid a global pandemic.” May 22, 2020. Chaplaincy Innovations Lab.
Fox, Nicole. May 1, 2020. “Memorializing COVID-19.” Mobilizing Ideas.
Fox, Nicole. April 8, 2019. “Rwanda, genocide, and gender-based violence.” Contexts.
Radio Interview titled “What Rescuers During the Rwandan Genocide Tell Us About Becoming a Hero.” Conducted on November 21, 2019 with Top of Mind with Julie Rose Boston: BYUradio.
Fox, Nicole and Hollie Nyseth Brehm (equal authorship). April 17, 2019. “Lessons on the 25th Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide.” Mobilizing Ideas.